Georgians Living in America Released Special Message

Georgians living in America released a special massage apropos latest developments in Georgia:’SUPPORT GEORGIA.Major US Ally in South Caucasus! The tiny country of Georgia is under attack by Russia. Russia is bombing civilians all over this small country. For the third time in history Georgia faces the loss of its freedom and sovereignty to the brutal empyreal ambitions of Russian totalitarian regime. Russian officials admit that the major reason of aggression is that Georgia chose the US as its ally and is going to join the NATO. Georgians have one and only one truth to fight for: RUSSIAN MILITARY DOES NOT BELONG ON GEORGIAN SOILWITHIN GEORGIA’S INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZEDBORDERS! It’s that simple: No Russian soldiers or tanks; no Russian missiles or planes! Yes to Russian civilians, their poetry, literature and music! Yes to peace and harmony with the neighbour!
Please stand up for freedom and democracy in the world. Please take an action for independence in Georgia. If you allow Russia to bully one small nation now, the Russian government will think it can get away with bullying other nations, potentially even the United States, in the future. Please raise your voice where ever you can and communicate this message throughout the states.
American Georgians.’ – The message reads.

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